Sunday, March 08, 2020

How To Make Money Online - Secrets of Amazon Earning

In this article, I'm going to be showing you how to make money on the internet. 

yes, that's right how to make money online. So some of you guys might ask yourself how am I gonna do it it's an affiliate marketing should I create my product what's hot right now. 

what is everyone doing and that's the first thing don't do what everyone is doing you know because that's like you shouldn't do that you know everyone has said second of all most of that stuff like let me tell you it's not 2012 it's not 2013 anymore okay.

You can't just go out there and create an e-book or create a video course or create just create something on your own and then throw it at the marketplace and everyone will eat it up and just buy it like ice cream you know it's not gonna work like that because for every little thing out there whether it is a drop shipping or social media agency or all of these different courses and digital programs and all that stuff there's already. 

So many people who've taken that space and it's kind of saturated okay so if you want to make money on the internet kind of like forget creating your stuff and just look more forward to something that's way easier but that pretty much anyone can you and anyone can make a lot of money still a lot of money online in 2020 right here and the answer is pretty simple what you want to do is you want to, first of all, do not have to create your product right so that will save you a ton of money and a ton of time right. 

Then you don't want to spend too much money on advertising because what happened in the past like two years or something was that the average ad costs for like Facebook ads and Google Ads it went up so it's way higher right now for marketers out there to acquire a lead and therefore it's also more costly to acquire an actual customer and therefore they make less money okay. 

That's what I can tell you okay and what I can tell you guys is last year Jeff Bezos

The founder of amazon became the richest man in the world okay so what does that tell you we all know Amazon we all know Jeff Bezos Amazon is pretty much the biggest e-commerce site on the internet okay. 

So what that tells us is that E-commerce is booming right e-commerce is booming people are going online they're shopping online they've been doing this for the past two decades but right now it's crazy people are going over e-commerce okay. 

So what does that tell you guys right I think it should tell you that you should probably get into e-commerce right. 

So right now you're probably thinking oh I need to have my products I need to have my label I need to have my own company I need to have my shipping I need to ship it out to people and you just store it I need a big warehouse so yeah the problem is how do you get your product that you can sell using e-commerce how do you store it how do you get a warehouse how do you get this how do you get that how do you ship it all that right but what if I told you that you don't have to worry about any of this stuff right that there's someone out there that does all of this stuff for you almost all of it, okay and it's the truth there's a program called Amazon FBA

FBA stands for fulfilling meant by Amazon okay.

And what that means is the term already gives it away Amazon will fulfill your orders right so all you have to do is you have to find a product and you that's easy to do you know you don't have to invent a new the product you don't have to like invent a new thing a new idea or whatnot right you just go to like Aliexpress import some cheap stuff from China send it to Amazon and then they will do the work
for you how that works in detail is pretty simple on the ordered product somewhere on the internet or you can even I mean you could create your own product if you have one or you can go even go to the store and if they have it for cheaper than or Amazon you can buy it and then result in Amazon
like that you know let's just pretend you want to like import products from China right so what you do is you go to some Chinese website you import the product you put your label on it you white label it and then you send it over to amazon. 

So some of to one of their warehouses and then they will store it for you and then you can put it on the Amazon website okay and what happens from there obviously people then you have your store on there and people will buy from your store right that's how you make money in obviously the way you make a profit is if the product is selling Amazon is it's more expensive than the one you buy from for example China right so but that's pretty easy to do right so again what we have right here is we don't have to create our product as I already said we don't need to store our items our own physical items in any of our like own warehouses or anything. 

So that these two things alone they already safe use so much money do you even understand how many small businesses that just or how many people go bankrupt because they want to start a new business but they have so much overhead when it comes to like creating products warehouse and then even advertising

I will talk about it in a second right and they just have so much overhead they just candid the business can't handle it more they go bankrupt right you don't have that like this is this Amazon FBA stuff is a 100 percent risk-free business model a little overhead you have you can put it on a credit card write your bird on a credit card you can make money anyway so you just make it back right so that's pretty much how it works right and the next best thing is that you're gonna have any real advertising costs right sure you have to put it on Amazon and then you have your store and you have to do very important keyword research right you have to do keyword research.

Some amazon SEO meaning a search engine optimization so your products as shown are shown like very high in the search for a specific keyword so let's say someone types in Canon camera or something right you want your product to show up at the top right but I'm sure you're not gonna sell
cameras are just an example right so that will already save you so much money in
advertising because what happens when we first on but start a normal econ business meaning we create our own website put it online put our product in the shop people have to find it for us and how to define it we have to advertise it right so we have to spend money on Facebook ads

We have to spend money may be on even like traditional advertising if it's like more like a like an old-school product or whatnot we have to again we have to spend so much money on advertising it's
ridiculous you know with Amazon all we have to do is we have to optimize a little bit the keywords title the description the tags and all of that you know and then it will rank right then we will make money. 

So the thing is I want to tell you this is probably the best way honestly to make money in 2020  because again with all the other stuff you have so much overhead and when you create your own products there's like no guarantee that anyone will buy that's, for example, say you create your own
course or whatnot you put it out there and you don't know if anyone will buy it you know because
there has to be a lot of marketing and has to be done everything has to be on the point you know I know it my self I've used to sell courses and all that a few years ago

I made tons of money doing that but yeah it's it is not easy but with Amazon, the good thing is that you already know that the stuff that you're going to sell on there is actually sellable you know. People are buying it you know if using, for example, sell watches you import them and then you sell them on Amazon you know people will buy them because there's a high demand for it you know you see even there on the reviews and all that stuff right. the best thing about all of this stuff it's it's like super straight forward and you don't really need anything to get started. 

Right all you got to do is you go to services in I mean you can google that just type in fulfillment by Amazon and it will pop up and all you got to do is you can literally get started right here right as you can see or help grow your business with fulfillment by Amazon right here then to ask you questions already selling on Amazon then you can get started right here and if you're new to Amazon with most of you probably will be new to Amazon right as seller obviously you simply click on sign up and then you can sign in with your account and then you can set up.

Your actual seller account you know so but it's pretty straight forward I don't really have to guide you through the whole thing you know if you actually want to know how it works for real you can also search for Amazon.

I mean there are many free tutorials on their website it's all out there pretty much as you can see right here but what's really really important is that I believe that to learn something you shouldn't just be on reading some article and you shouldn't just be watching videos and the worst thing you can do is to buy some weird one thousand dollar course with some from some weirdo on google okay that's something you should not do you know.

When you want to learn something the best way to learn something is really to like in school you know to go to school and learn there because there's the physical competence to it that will make the experience better see that will make the experience better and you will get more from it and just because anyone can just get a course online and then you sit there and you see some stuff yeah that's boring blah blah blah but if you go out there and really get into like an environment. how you can make a lot of money in 2020 on the internet without having to create your own product without having to spend too much money and overhead all these crazy things are okay.

 This is a legit way to make money
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