Sunday, March 08, 2020

How To Make Money On Instagram Make ($500 - $1K PER DAY)

hey, guys what is going on my name is Mohsin and today I want to be talking about how to make money on Instagram.

Obviously, a lot of stuff has changed within the past 2 3 4 5 6 months so I'm gonna give you an updated article on like what I think is the best way on how to make money on Instagram right here  okay and I'm not really talking about like necessarily like taking your own account meaning taking like your own brand your own personality your own stuff into the game and actually making
money that way by selling stuff necessarily.

 But I'm going to tell you a way where you can actually take create accounts that haven't have anything to do with yourself create them in specific niches and make money that way okay.

So that's what I'm going to tell you so let's get straight into it right now and by the way.

I said the first thing and/or if you want to make money on Instagram and if you haven't done it yet right the very first thing that you want to do is you want to pick a niche that you are actually passionate about because if you're not passionate about it you will lose motivation to post every single day.

Because obviously if you want to make money on Instagram you have to post every single day at least one or two or three times if you want to take it seriously ok if not you will lose the actual motivation and you will not keep posting ok.

So the very first thing is to pick a niche right and the way you do this is you just pick one right because there are different niches on Instagram right there's the luxury image like for example luxury
travel luxury cars then there's the success of the motivational niche the fitness niche the health niche.

whatever it is right so let's say for example you're interested in soccer right you would want to go
out there and create an Instagram account an Instagram page that evolves all-around soccer right so we all know these pages or basketball or something right these pages that are 100% dedicated to let's say basketball right and all they will do is they will post-basketball content every single day.

They will post videos they will post pictures that are related to only this topic right and one very important thing that a lot of people don't realize is they always think they have to create unique content and they have to really go out there and post their own content that they have created to do stuff on Instagram which is not true because what you can do is like let's say you we take this example of the basketball page right that's a great your basketball page and you don't have content right don't own any content that's related to that what you can do is you can just go to other Instagram accounts and take their content and repost it right and I'm talking about viral content most of the time right you want to post viral content to that page to make your posts go viral right so how do you do this though right.

So now you have a page you have an Instagram account you have an Instagram page you post you find other peoples or other pages content and we post it so how do you go viral right now right what you want to do is you want to find the most of the best hashtags in your specific niche right now I'm talking about hashtags that get like a little less than 1 billion 1 million posts per hashtag that's the maximum you want to go for because everything else goes that has like more than 1 billion posts is kind of hard for a new account to really catch up on that and really outrank these posts on the explore page.

So what you want to your main goal with your new Instagram page to make money or to get traffic to get new followers is you want to get through the Instagram Explorer page you want to rank your picture on that page.

So and how this really works is you want to get your pictures to the Explorer page but the problem will be that if you have a new page and stuff because obviously if you want to get your pictures that are shown on the explore page are the pictures or the videos with the most interaction meaning is the most amount of likes comments and just the engagements right and in the ratio, this was a specific ratio out of these elements likes comments and engagements and stuff that will bring the pictures up to the explore page.

So a lot of people ask now how if I start a new pages of how the hell do I go do I get my picture or my video on the Instagram explorer page if I don't get any likes any traffic anything and the answer for that is really simple right you need likes and comments to your picture or to your video and how we do this is there are specific ways there are many different ways on how you can get likes and comments and stuff on to your picture.

There are specific groups out there where people do engagement stuff and they're specific there's also software's and stuff out there if you do this daily you post five viral pieces of content every single day you will see massive amounts of followers coming in they will go to your page they've liked it that would be M you asking for shout outs and all these things right so and that's already the next step that we have to take over here.

I already mentioned shout outs right so the next thing the first thing that I want to tell you in this article is how to actually monetize your account how to really make money off your Instagram account once you've got a few followers. 

So when I say a few Falls I mean like around 5,000 to 10,000 followers because that's already if you are in a specific niche that's already a good amount of followers where you can already make some money from them.

The first method make money with your Instagram account is simply selling shoutouts because you will realize once you actually start getting a few followers I'm a few thousand followers people will automatically try to hit you up and contact you and say hey can I get a little promotion from you can you post my picture can you repost it can you attack me in the post and stuff and that's when you have to chance a chance to charge them money for a shout-out.

So obviously if you have a small number of followers you cannot charge that much for a shout-out yet when you can really charge a lot of money is once you start getting likes 100,000 followers 200,000 and these guys will have a million followers they can really charge a lot of money for a selling charger a lot of money for their shoutings rather than to give to other people.

So what you want to do is you want to do that's probably the first way you're gonna make money with your Instagram account.

The next way will be affiliate marketing alright and I gotta admit doing effective affiliate marketing where you make like hundred dollars to like even a thousand dollars a day you will need a good amount of thumbs. you will need probably a hundred thousand two hundred thousand followers to start making a good amount with affiliate marketing because obviously on the internet it's all about traffic and conversion.

If you have a hundred thousand followers and you post a link in your bio or in your story and stuff of course, not 100,000 people would click there will only be like 5% 10% of these people click it and then on that page where you promote a product and affiliate product then there's also going to be a conversion rate off like five percent ten percent and that's where you make the money. 

So if you promote a product that cost like a hundred dollars hundred thousand followers and 10% click a link to the product which is like 10,000 people only like 2,000 if you have a 2% conversion rate on the page only like 2,000 of these people will actually buy something ok which is a lot of which will make you a lot of money.

If you have an affiliate program and stuff that pays like 20 30 or 50 percent commission you can make a lot of money doing that ok 

The third method I want to talk about and that's where you can make the real money is if you start selling your own products if you use your own marketing funnels with Instagram.

So this is a little bit more complicated because this involves like email marketing and actual
later on, paid as for remarketing and stuff like this but you can actually build a real business using Instagram right and using these niche accounts and all kinds of stuff because what a lot of these guys do especially the ones that build really big niche accounts on Instagram they start to create their own website with the account name the akin Instagram account name and kind of build a whole business around.

So let's say for example someone has a basketball page what he's gonna do is he's gonna take that account and create a website based on that then he starts to create products for decide or it can also promote affiliate products on the inside and stuff and that's how he builds a real business around it. 

He also collects emails then which he can, later on, use to market to the right so if you gather a hundred thousand emails these are all emails as you can use later on like all the time basically for the rest of your life to promote your products. 

So whenever he has a new product whenever he has a new affiliate product he wants a brownie he just sends an email out like a hundred thousand people he makes a ton of sales right and a good way to sell your own products on Instagram is nowadays I couldn't teach you guys this like two years ago because there were no Instagram stories that but nowadays with Instagram stories what you can do is you can take rate an Instagram story your video or post or something and tell people to DM you if they want the product.

So for example, if you are let's say you have your own personal brand kind of camera let's say you were like me or like you have your personal own personal brand right you can post an Instagram story and you can say oh I got this course let's say you have two courses. I have this course blah blah blah and I gotta give it to you guys for free if you DM me and everyone will be DM because people love free stuff and if they already know your course and they wanted they will be very very highly engaged and get that freebie from you right but now it has the opportunity to talk them directly by a direct message and that's a great opportunity to sell your real course that says you have a thousand dollar course or something.

You can talk to them via direct message and then said, of course, that way right you wouldn't
believe how many people you can actually close just by damning them that's really how it works. 
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